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Your Personal Leadership Coach™

Helping Leaders Develop a Stronger CORE

Are you ready to experience a breakthrough?

All over the world, countless people desire to live vibrant, fulfilling and productive lives, but find that their own fears, doubts, shame, and limiting beliefs get in the way.

The good news is that it doesn't have to stay that way. All you need are the right tools, insights, and strategies to turn your doubts and fears into courage and breakthroughs.​

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Book Obi Abuchi to inspire, equip, and motivate your team

Fears, doubts, limiting beliefs, long-standing behavioural patterns, and bad habits hold so many people back from living their best lives. This has a devastating effect on our professional performance, our personal lives, and within our communities.


Obi Abuchi, CEO of CORE Leaders International and author of several books, including Leading from Your Core, is a transformational speaker with a talent for helping individuals turn those doubts into breakthroughs.


Through compelling stories, deep insights, and vulnerable coaching your teams will soon be excelling in ways you never thought possible.

Obi has great presence as a leader. He has a real ability to connect with Board level executives and frontline employees through a combination of his genuine desire to help people be the best that they can be, his inspirational communication style, and humble but deep-rooted confidence.

Pauline McMichael, Non-Exec Chairman, Director and Executive Coach

Hi, I'm Obi Abuchi.

…I live with my wife and our 3 boys in Surrey, UK, and I’m incredibly passionate about Personal Leadership and the difference it makes to our lives, our organisations, and our communities. Here’s why.


When I was 18, a mentor of mine gave me a copy of Stephen Covey’s book - 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - and I just couldn’t put it down. I made tons of notes, completed all the exercises in the book, and literally set upon a path of learning as much as I could about the topics of leadership, personal growth, and personal effectiveness. One idea that fascinated me more than any other was that of Personal Leadership and over the years I’ve come to define it as this...

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“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Philosopher and Poet


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